Will Weiss, Developer in Boston, MA, United States
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Will Weiss

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Boston, MA, United States
Toptal Member Since
March 1, 2019

Will is a proven engineer and leader who's comfortable working across the stack in pursuit of shipping valuable software. He believes that communication is vital to any project but especially when working remotely. For technical matters, Will thinks that the most important processes are those that prevent problems from arising in the first place: a clear consensus on the requirements, code reviews, practicing TDD, and maintaining a QA mindset.



Preferred Environment


The most amazing...

...project I've created is Roar! a web extension that automatically captures a snapshot of any online issue and addresses a tweet to the site's maintainer.

Work Experience

Technical Lead | International Development

2020 - 2020
  • Managed development of Android application for taking soy seed orders in Brazil. Major considerations included offline-first support, internationalization, and mobile payments.
  • Led team building web application to support Brazilian agriculturalists manage their land holdings and track crop prices across international markets.
  • Oversaw sales tools to track performance, usage, and manage authorization among Brazilian growers.
Technologies: Node.js, Android Development, Android

Freelance Web Developer

2019 - 2020
  • Built web extensions for Chrome and Firefox—allowing users to create bug reports by recording their browser’s screen, console, and network traffic.
Technologies: Web Extensions, Go, React

Web Developer

2019 - 2020
TCB Analytics
  • Designed and implemented data visualizations for wind energy traders to better track price changes and risk in financial instruments over time.
  • Created a market research reporting tool with spreadsheet functionality and anomaly detection.
Technologies: Docker, Bootstrap, jQuery, RStudio Shiny, R

Associate Director | Senior Engineer

2014 - 2019
Maxwell Health
  • Created Tempo: a user interface that has enabled benefits packages to be easily configured for thousands of employers using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React, Redux, and AWS.
  • Deployed and supported over a dozen microservices using Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Built ETL tool and cron job to load hundreds of thousands of insurance plans nightly from third-party sources using Bash, Node.js, and Kubernetes.
  • Helped to create a new payroll system to surface demographic and coverage changes to HR users using event sourcing backed by PHP, DynamoDB, MySQL, and SQS.
  • Spearheaded the re-platforming of our benefits shopping experience for employees to allow mobile enrollment, improve usability, and support internationalization using React, Redux, and styled-components.
  • Set up and maintained many test suites for various applications using Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Ava, Bats, PHPUnit, and Cucumber.
  • Created a search engine for small group medical insurance plans using Elasticsearch, Node.js, Express.js, Mustache, and jQuery.
  • Performed load testing to determine possible performance issues prior to product launch using Artillery.
  • Built an EDI platform allowing member elections to be synchronized to all major insurance carriers using Python and Pandas.
Technologies: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Python, Redux, React, TypeScript, Express.js, Node.js


A user interface that has enabled benefits packages to be easily configured for thousands of employers.

Payroll Platform

A reporting platform that leverages event sourcing to surface demographic and coverage changes to HR users.

Roar! by More Human Internet

Roar! is a free, open-source, non-profit web extension that automatically captures a snapshot of any online issue and addresses a tweet to the site's maintainer. Turn a tweet into a Roar, so experts and maintainers see the issue and offer solutions.


Kotlin, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, GraphQL, Python, Erlang (OTP), Bash, R, Go


React Native, Express.js, Koa, Redux, Jest, RStudio Shiny, Bootstrap


React, Chai, Sinon.JS, jQuery, Mustache, Node.js


Mocha, AWS SDK, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


Functional Programming, Agile


Android, Linux, Unix, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker


Mobile App Development, Android Development, Software Development, Freelancing, Enzyme, Web Extensions, Mathematics


MongoDB, CouchDB

2008 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

Williams College - Williamstown, MA, USA

Collaboration That Works

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